Tag Archives: Ayers

Obama Pal Bill Ayers Has a New Book Coming Out

Via race42008.com, we learn that domestic terrorists Bill “I Wish I Had Done More” Ayers and Bernardine “Armed Propaganda” Dohrn have written a heartwarming new book entitled, Race Course Against White Supremacy. The gist of the book is that the dominant political system in the U.S. is based on white supremacy. I wonder if Obama wrote the forward?

[Don’t you love how the Amazon summary calls these two thugs “political activists?” Since when does attempted murder and violence equal activism? Sounds more like a felonious thuggery to me. Just doing their thug thizzle.]

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Today’s LOL Moment

From the always bloviating Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., at the always shameless Huffington Post, comes an article entitled, “Alaskan Independence Party: The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel.” Okay, let’s first state the obvious. Scoundrel? Well, the Kennedys know a thing or two (paging Uncle Teddy) about scoundrels, don’t they? Secondly, scoundrel? Who, but a blue-blood liberal, even uses that word?

Anyway, back to the LOL moment. In trying to draw parallels between Barack Obama’s friendship with the terrorist Bill Ayers (or was it the felon Tony Rezko? or the anti-American Jeremiah Wright? So many low lifes!), and Gov. Palin’s husband’s rather minimal involvement in the secessionist Alaska Independence Party, RFK, Jr. wrote this most laughable of sentences: “Last week found the American media once again boarding Republican swift boats against this season’s Democratic candidate armed with unfair and hypocritical attacks artfully designed by GOP strategists to distract attention from the cataclysmic outcomes of Republican governance.”

Oh, yeah, the media is so obviously in the tank for McCain! They’ve been incredibly detailed in their vetting of Barack Obama, haven’t they? And the way they’ve been striving for excellence in letting the American people know the real Obama, well, it just brings a tear to the eye. Such unbiased professionalism.

I’m sure there are many good reasons that Bobby, Jr., is so delusional, but this is a family-friendly blog, so we won’t get into it.  But let’s give him props for getting in the “swift boat” reference, which is Democrat-speak for “waaaah, they’ve found me out.” I am, however, disappointed that he didn’t manage to blame Karl Rove or Dick Cheney by name for something, anything! Maybe next time.

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Mr. Obama’s Neighborhood


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Victim of Obama Associate Bill Ayers Speaks

John Murtaugh was nine years old when his home in New York was bombed by the leftist radicals known as the Weather Underground.  Led by Obama associate (friend? supporter?) Bill Ayers, this bomb was intended to kill Murtaugh’s father, who was the judge presiding over the Panther 21 trial. No one was killed, much to Ayers’ regret.

Mr. Murtaugh wrote earlier this year in the City Journal, “Nobody should hold the junior senator from Illinois responsible for his friends’ and supporters’ violent terrorist acts. But it is fair to hold him responsible for a startling lack of judgment in his choice of mentors, associates, and friends, and for showing a callous disregard for the lives they damaged and the hatred they have demonstrated for this country. It is fair, too, to ask what those choices say about Obama’s own beliefs, his philosophy, and the direction he would take our nation.”  In three sentences, Murtaugh has summed up what this election is all about: the character of Barack Obama. Nobody is calling Obama a terrorist, but we are asking serious questions about his way of thinking and his judgment.  We want to know the true nature of his character, as it may not be what he is projecting on the campaign trail. Hear that, Senator McCain?

For more on Murtaugh’s story, check out Newbusters.

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Obama and the Politics of the Playground

The Politico is reporting that the Obama campaign plans to make an issue of Sen. McCain’s association with the Keating Five scandal of twenty years ago.  Per the article, McCain-Palin spokesman Brian Rogers said (emphasis mine): “The difference here is clear. John McCain has been open and honest about the Keating matter, and even the Democratic special counsel in charge recommended that Senator McCain be completely exonerated. By contrast, Barack Obama has been fundamentally dishonest about his friendship and work with the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, whose radical group bombed the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol. Nor has Barack Obama come clean on his close friendship with Tony Rezko, a felon convicted on bribery charges who subsidized the purchase of Barack Obama’s home. It’s obvious that Barack Obama is frantically attacking because he knows that most voters find these kinds of friendships, and the failed judgment they expose, to be unacceptable for our next president.”

So it appears that the reactionary Barry O is channelling his inner schoolboy and playing the “I know you are, but what am I?” card.  Except for, in this case, McCain made no attempt to cover up his actions and has been cleared of any wrongdoing. Barry O?  Not so much.  The BO camp might want to rethink their playground politics, as Bill Ayers isn’t the only skeleton in Obama’s closet.

Patterico has more.


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Out of the Mouths of Progressives (one in a continuing series)

Just when you think they can’t get any uglier, the so-called “progressives” are taking their delusions to another level.  On the heels of Sarah Palin calling out Obama for his relationship with known terrorist Bill Ayers, Jake Tapper reports that the McCain camp is going to focus more on BO’s very questionable judgment when picking friends, mentors, business associates, etc.  So, when their backs are against the wall, what do progressives do?  They spew venom:

“And let’s not forget that John McCian [sic] cooperated with the enemy, the Vietnamese, during a time of war. John McCain made 23 propaganda tapes for the Vitenamese [sic], in which John McCain talked negatively about the US miliary, his own country!”  This is from Leslie, open-minded progressive, in response to the afore-mentioned Jake Tapper report.  I guess we can assume that Leslie would have withstood years of torture by his/her vicious, inhumane captors and refused to make such statements? That this nasty little bottom feeder would belittle Sen. McCain for any of his actions as a Prisoner of War is loathsome and despicable.

Stay classy, liberals.

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The gloves are off, and the heels on!

Can you hear the Hallelujah Chorus?  Sarah Palin took the gloves off, and put the heels on today, calling out Barack Obama for his friendship with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.  Reuters reports that the campaign is getting nasty, but, to most Americans, this is called telling the truth.  In true form, the mainstream media questions the McCain camp rather than actually delve deeper into Obama’s relationship with Ayers.  It is much, much more than “neighbors,” as Barry O has previously implied.

Can you imagine if a Republican candidate had ties to a known domestic terrorist? The press would be all over it, quite rightly, and the electorate would be outraged.  But they don’t take a closer look because, if they did, their boy Barry would be down for the count.  More power  to Sarah Palin (as if she needs it) for making this an issue.  We deserve to know the truth about BO’s past, and the kind of people with whom he chooses to surround himself, before heading to the polls in one month’s time.

Sean Hannity will take a closer look at Obama’s “friends” on this weekend’s Hannity’s America.  It’s always nice to see Sean without the weasely Alan Colmes (who’s still recovering after being ripped a new one by Dick Morris a few nights ago).

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Obama and His Radical Mentors: Thick as Thieves

I have been reading a bit lately about Barry O’s questionable affiliations.  There’s his America-hating pastor, Jeremiah Wright.  There’s his longtime relationship with corrupt fundraiser Tony Rezko.  There’s his work as a <<cough, cough>> community organizer, which involved Madeline Talbott and the fraudsters at ACORN.  Oh, and let’s not forget radical domestic terrorist Bill Ayers; for more information on the scumbag Ayers, check out last week’s Wall Street Journal piece by Stanley Kurtz.

Well, if that’s not enough for you, BO is also connected with two socialist radicals, Saul Alinsky and John L. McKnight.  In an editorial yesterday, Investor’s Business Daily takes a closer look at these connections and Obama’s “missing years.”  Before entering Harvard Law, Obama worked for and with many extremists under the guise of community organizing; developing radical and decidedly thug-like tactics was obviously part of the on-the-job training.  While at Harvard, Obama eschewed writing for the Harvard Law Review (not a single article), yet found the time to take training courses offered by a foundation funded by Alinsky.  

(On a separate note, the IBD piece notes that BO has not released his transcripts from or talked about his activities at Columbia U. and Harvard.  It notes the New York Times as saying, “Obama declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student co-worker, roommate or friend from those years.”  Besides associating with spliff, what else was he up to?)

Anyway, as they say, a man is known by the friends he keeps . . .


Update:  More on Obama’s “interesting” past from yesterday’s WSJ.


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